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February 21, 2011 0 Comments

PODCAST Charles Arn talks about how growing church bring most people in through side doors rather than worship. Download the Audio

February 18, 2011 0 Comments

There aren't many mistakes staff can make that are cause for immediate termination. However, when I was a pastor and we had a staff of 68 people, there are three mistakes, that no matter what the

February 15, 2011 0 Comments

The second church I pastored was a small church of about two hundred in worship in the Rio Grande Valley. The week before my first Easter the Chairperson of the Board came to

February 15, 2011 0 Comments

Your response to my blog post "Looking for Myth Busters" has been good.  In fact, I have received more personal email than responses on my blog. Here is one response by email that

February 14, 2011 0 Comments

What ever happened to the guidance of the Holy Spirit when it comes to making decisions in the church? Do we really believe that voting on something is the way to go?  Shouldn't

February 8, 2011 0 Comments

I am coaching a guy who is doing his best to turn around an established church. We all know that turning a church around is one of the most difficult tasks on the