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May 25, 2014 2 Comments

Unfortunately, there is a current reality that most church members are unaware of and most church leaders are in denial of: Virtually nobody really wants to come to church. And the truth is,

May 24, 2014 0 Comments

The more I work with lead pastors the more I realize how hard it is for them to fire a staff person who isn't performing or isn't a team player or is just

May 20, 2014 2 Comments

The world I grew up in taught there is one way to do everything and one size fits all. That’s the heart of the industrial world of modernity. However, just the opposite is true

May 13, 2014 1 Comment

I’ve met pastors who want their church to grow but don’t want to be the leader because they don't want to exercise any power or authority. The problem is, this never works; growth

May 13, 2014 0 Comments

I just finished one of the best books I’ve read in the last five years, called DiscipleShift, by Putman and Harrington.  It’s been sitting on my “to read” shelf for over a year. I can’t

April 29, 2014 0 Comments

The Church: Mainline, 107 in average worship attendanceThe Location: Northeast USThe Pastor: First call, seminary trainedThe Resources: Consultation completed, coach engagedThe Presenting Issue: Lack of growth, few visitors, lots of busyness with little