I was talking with a pastor the other day who was having trouble getting what he needed out of his staff. I asked him if he had set clear expectations for them as
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I was talking with a pastor the other day who was having trouble getting what he needed out of his staff. I asked him if he had set clear expectations for them as
A discussion came up on one of the various forums I monitor. The question was "How do you feel about kiosks for giving?" My response was this: "Electronic giving is to worship today
The U.S. is full of clergy who go from day to day with no plan for how to make their world a better place. They do what others want them to do as if
Over 50,000 people committed suicide last year. Over 100,000 people this past year typed into Google "I want to die.” Suicide and looking for a reason not to blow their brains are both
One of the major problems pastors have is either the inability or lack of desire to focus on what’s important. Case in point. Yesterday, a pastor of a 150-member church told me he