308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com

Multiplication in the church

Are You Ready to Go Multi-site?

Here are a few questions you should be able to answer affirmatively before going multi-site.

1. Is my church growing a minimum of 5% per year?
2. Is my church 80% full at the main service?
3. Is my community 50% unchurched or more?
4. Does my church have a good reputation in the community?
5. Does my church want to release more people into meaningful ministry?
6. Does my church want to expand with the least possible risk and the most possible pay back?
7. Does my church want to launch new congregations in my region that are healthy, sustainable, and reproductive?
8. Does my church want to be more accessible to more people in my region?
9. Does my church want to reach and serve more people in the most efficient and cost-effective way?

If you can’t answer each of these questions affirmatively, you should think twice before going multi-site.

For help going multi-site click here.

Question: What questions would you add to this list? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

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