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Robert Bruce Shaw, Trust in the Balance

Shaw, Robert Bruce Trust in the Balance

(Jossey-Bass, 1997) 242 pages, hardback, $25.00. Obtain from Jossey-Bass Publishers, 250 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, 415-433-1767.

One sentence in this book says it all: “there are few failing organizations with high levels of trust.” The author suggests that there are three imperatives to building trust – results, integrity, and concern for others. The leverage points in building trust are leadership and the design of the organization. With 85% of our churches either on a plateau or declining, this book is must reading. It offers hope to anyone trying to develop a permission giving church, or beginning a new church based on trust instead of control, or moving to a team based form of ministry, or wanting to rebuild trust lost in a church.

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