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Change: The First Step in Discipling

For the week of August 08, 2005

Change: The First Step in Discipling
By: Tom Bandy
No addict is going to live differently until they have experienced the impact of a Higher Power. No pagan is going to life differently until they have experienced the impact of Jesus the Christ. The discipling process begins when “strangers to grace” are no longer strangers to grace.

There are three basic ways lives get changed in the contemporary world. First, they are changed in the experience of powerful, compassionate, indigenous worship that is simultaneously comforting and unsettling. Second, they are changed through the interaction of a small group in which a credible spiritual leader draws a handful of people to intimacy, accountability, and service. Third, they are changed through a 1:1 mentoring relationship with a really deep Christian who has “been there, done that”, and who can help another person “get out there, and do something else”.

Why don’t most churches grow? Because they don’t change lives. They do not have a reputation for changing lives. Nobody shares life changing experiences from the past week during the coffee hour. Start changing lives, and your church will get noticed.



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