I just finished reading Aftershock by Wiedemer and Spitzer. In this book, they lay out the next global financial meltdown and what to do about it. They show how disastrously the bubbles will burst,
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I just finished reading Aftershock by Wiedemer and Spitzer. In this book, they lay out the next global financial meltdown and what to do about it. They show how disastrously the bubbles will burst,
I'm at the World Convention of the Christian Churches and attended the Bader Lecture. This year, Ashley and Anji Barker of Urban Neighbors of Hope. Ashley and John Hayes wrote the book Submerge
What happens when you leave your journal at home? You end up journaling on your blog instead. So, this post is a bit different than the norm. Still, it's another side of who