Why Your Church Won’t Be the Exception

I just returned from a church growth training event at a local church where we reviewed and evaluated their vision. Their vision statement was a bit wordy, but overall it got high marks.

However, this question arose from some of the members: “What about those in the congregation who don’t support the vision… those who don’t […]

Behaviors, Treating Unhealthy Behaviors

There are all kinds of understandings about the attacks by members — especially those who proclaim themselves to be spiritually advanced, actively involved, long-term members, big givers, etc., etc.– that I know rationally before and after personal attacks.  Here are 12 of them.

1. Such persons have been treating most if not all the pastors/clergy this way for years […]

Anatomy of a Poison Pen Letter

Every effective pastor gets a poison pen letter at least once during their careers. They’re never nice to get and they can cause a lot of anxiety and self-doubt. Frankly, they can send an otherwise well-adjusted, healthy pastor into a tailspin. They shouldn’t, but shouldn’t doesn’t cut it in the real world.

When one of […]

Bullies and Terrorists and Controllers, O My!

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]