I. Introduction A. Let me contextualize my thoughts. 1. It is my contention that the world, and
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I. Introduction A. Let me contextualize my thoughts. 1. It is my contention that the world, and
The following is an excerpt from our workbook Disciple Making Leaders. To purchase the entire workbook go to http://easumbandy.com/store/shop/EBA_store.html?state=search&cartid=3b5d034dc125c75ace188e2e8df7dc0d
By Bill Easum When I first started preaching some 51 years ago, going to church was never considered
Bill Easum Church leaders constantly ask me how to get people to commit enough time to do lay
Take a good look around at your next church board meeting. Listen to the questions and the comments.
In August, I wrote a blog entry on why so many church consultations fail to net positive, long-term