For the week of March 07, 2005 Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams: Part 1: The Absence of Shared
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
For the week of March 07, 2005 Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams: Part 1: The Absence of Shared
Selecting the right leaders is critical for a church's growth and success. However, many (probably most) churches make
Again, this is a preview from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth Streamline Decision Making with High-Trust
Following up on my last post, I want to consider further the importance of conviction for effective leadership.
The pastor was sharing his frustration about one of his executive team members during a recent consultation. "No matter what
There are two components making up the “leadership system” in most congregations: the board and the operational management