[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
[box title="Jump Start To An Effective Church" box_color="#ff33333" title_color="#000000" radius="5"] There are literally hundreds of things that can
Church planters spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on starting a new church, and many work 70-80 hours
I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want
By Roxburgh and Romanuk Finally a book that not only describes the “missional church,” but also gives some
For the week of March 28, 2005 The Spiritual Leadership of the Board By: Tom Bandy Most churches
Congregations have four levels of maturity - okay, good, quality, and excellence. As the church grows in numbers,