Questions for Church Planters

Getting a head start on your church plant is critical.  How you approach the first years will usually determine the ultimate outcome.

How many honest spiritual conversations have you had with thoroughly unchurched people in the past 90 days?
How many unchurched people have you personally brought to Christ (not just to a worship […]

Easter Church Growth: Solving 3 Key Dilemmas

Easter Sunday rolls around with a kind of predictability that’s both comforting and challenging for pastors across the board. Let’s check out the scene: the church is brimming more than usual, the air is thick with the scent of fresh flowers – mostly lilies, and the folks sitting on the pews create a colorful […]

What is Your PQ?

How is your PQ doing these days? You know – Passion Quotient.

I’ve concluded, along with a lot of other people that the most important attitude of an effective leader is passion. PQ is so important that wise leaders hire for passion rather than talent. Effective leaders choose to surround themselves with people with passion […]

Organizing Cell Groups Around “Helps”

For the week of June 27, 2005

Organizing Cell Groups Around “Helps”

By: Tom Bandy

The spiritual gift of “helps” is one of the most common among church members. Many people are gifted to do odd jobs, church maintenance, and practical tasks that improve the appearance of the church or serve the physical needs of people. The […]

The Art of Saying “No”

My coaching experiences have taught me that 80% of what ineffective pastors do is a waste of their time and the sad thing is most of the pastors I’ve coached agree with this observation.  The reason- they find it hard to say “No,” so their plate stays cluttered with irrelevant stuff that keeps them from […]


I just finished reading Aftershock by Wiedemer and Spitzer. In this book, they lay out the next global financial meltdown and what to do about it. They show how disastrously the bubbles will burst, causing chaos and panic in all areas of life.  They go so far as to say “The party is coming to […]

A Culture of Fear

By Bill Easum with Doug Murren

The war with Iraq is “over” and the one in Afghanistan is winding down. But one thing is certain: The terrorists have already won because America is becoming a culture of fear. People are afraid to fly, even though they are more likely to be killed in an automobile […]

Tip Two: Work Towards Role Clarity

Inculating a Shared Leadership DNA

The most common threat to shared leadership DNA in organizations is role confusion among the organization’s various leadership elements. This shows up as an absence of clarity regarding the specific boundaries and functions of the board and the operational management team.   Regardless of the type of organization, it is common […]

Is Your Church Destined for Smallness?

How many church leaders does it take to change a lightbulb?

I’m not sure, but in many churches it takes 50 percent or more of the sitting board members to make virtually every decision. And there’s a church growth correlation that shows the more leaders involved in management decisions, the smaller the church’s potential.

Case in […]