Ministry in an Emerging Culture

The following is from one of our online coaching seminars in 2002.

Ministry in an Emerging Culture
Brian McLaren

I’m looking forward to this chance to interact with you through the EBA Community.

As for background reading, it makes the most sense to assume that any of my books would be good background:
• The Church on the Other […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part One

 Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part One

Two years ago when I began writing Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers, I had no idea it would hit such a nerve with church leaders. I felt it would make an important contribution to developing thriving churches, but I never dreamed it would become one of […]

The Long Game

One of the most frustrating realities about a turnaround is that it takes more time to get ready for a successful turnaround than it does to grow a church. 

Let me explain.

There are Several Ways to Grow a Church

Give me a big enough budget and I can fill your church I don’t care how many […]

Grow Your Church with Invite-Able Events: A Guide for Stuck Pastors

Feeling stuck in church growth or revitalization efforts is a common struggle for many pastors. If you’re managing members, administrative tasks, and longing to shift your focus towards transforming lives and communities, this guide is for you. Let’s help you to grow your church with invite-able events.

Understanding Invite-Able Events

Invite-able events are designed to […]

5 Strategies to Boost Volunteer Engagement at Your Church

Whether they’re handing out bulletins, teaching kids’ Sunday school, or running the audio/visual system during services, volunteers are the backbone of your church. They give their time and talents to perform essential tasks year-round, expanding your church’s capacity to serve the congregation and fulfill its mission.

The key to a strong church volunteer team is […]

Are Your Leaders Interested or Committed?

I was reading some business blogs the other day and came across one in Entrepreneur magazine. The president of Fusion Logistics, Joe Judson, was waxing eloquent on one of the measures of success, interest versus commitment, and it got my mind spinning about some church leaders I’ve worked with.

Many church leaders are interested in […]

Developing a Missional Mindset

As Bill Easum has already pointed out, there has been a lot of confusion around the whole Missional, Emergent, Emerging conversation. Most church leaders I speak with couldn’t cogently define the difference with anything like clarity. They’ve read one book and came away with that author’s perspective and for those brave souls, they’ve read […]

Unlearning Our Way Forward

I’m sure we would all agree that our world is changing faster than at any other time in our lifetime and most likely in all of history. And with such fast paced change we are watching many of the tried and true principles by which pastors have led and grown churches are no longer […]

In the Wake of Complexity

The most profound change during my lifetime has been the shift from a mechanical to an organic worldview. My partner, Tom Bandy, and I have written extensively on this shift because it is changing the way every effective discipline views reality.* For Christian leaders this shift requires changing from being a mechanic to a […]