308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com

Going … Where?

Jesus said to go make disciples. It’s the main thing for Jesus. Is it the
main thing for you and your church?

There are so many people who are not connected to Jesus and his
church in our country at this time. People are needlessly floundering
without the peace, joy, and love which can only be realized through
faith in Jesus. If this touches your heart and soul, then the Great
Commission Conference is for you.

Here are some of the issues we will address.

  • How do we invite people?
  • How do we keep members?
  • How do we help members grow in faith?
  • How do we send disciples out into the world in the name of Jesus?
  • How can my congregation be more hospitable to the visitor?
  • How can my church be more outward-focused?
  • How can we be free of destructive conflict?

The Great Commission Conference is from 10 am to 2 pm CT
Saturday, October 29th , at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 1529
Southwest Blvd, in Jefferson City, Missouri. Cost is $150 per
congregation. So don’t just bring one person. Bring a team!

Please register here: https://reachingoutinlove.org/event/great-
. Deadline for registration is October 24, but
don’t wait. Sign up today!

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