But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free fall decline.
And that pains us.
We hate to see once great institutions dying. So we’re not going to just sit back and watch it happen.
That’s why we wrote the book Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement. We want to not only end the decline but start a movement of multiplication for the sake of the Kingdom of God. We believe the best could still be in front of us. And what’s great is that many of you feel the same way. You believe in the future of the Mainline Church so much so that you bought our book. Now it’s time for you to implement its principles and become part of the movement.
We’re hearing great stories.
One pastor purchased 30 books to use with his staff in their weekly meeting.
A seminary professor has decided to use our book as a text book.
Another pastor is taking his staff on retreat to study our book and implement a strategy for multiplication.
But there is still much more to do to spawn a movement. What if you shared your thought on our book with everyone on you email list? What if you blogged about it. What if you started an online conversation about the Mainline problem and applied the book?
And what if WE offered a free Webinar to help give you and your staff a leg-up on the material?
Join us on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Central starting August 7th for a 30–40 minute conversation between Bill E and Bill TB about the content of each chapter. And we’ll leave time for questions at the end.
We have 98 open “seats” for the Webinar and there are no “reservations” … it’s first logged in, first attending. So don’t be late!
Free Dinosaurs to Rabbits Webinar Notes
Tuesdays at 2 CDT August 7–Sep 25
Prerequisites: Book Purchase Required, Read the corresponding chapter (Week 1: Chapter 1, etc.)
Login at: https://zoom.us/j/146383143
Confession of Two Mainline Church Geeks
We’ve Got a Confession to Make.
We’ve been mainline Christians most of our lives.
We choose the mainline because of its theology.
But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free fall decline.
And that pains us.
We hate to see once great institutions dying. So we’re not going to just sit back and watch it happen.
That’s why we wrote the book Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement. We want to not only end the decline but start a movement of multiplication for the sake of the Kingdom of God. We believe the best could still be in front of us. And what’s great is that many of you feel the same way. You believe in the future of the Mainline Church so much so that you bought our book. Now it’s time for you to implement its principles and become part of the movement.
We’re hearing great stories.
But there is still much more to do to spawn a movement. What if you shared your thought on our book with everyone on you email list? What if you blogged about it. What if you started an online conversation about the Mainline problem and applied the book?
And what if WE offered a free Webinar to help give you and your staff a leg-up on the material?
Join us on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Central starting August 7th for a 30–40 minute conversation between Bill E and Bill TB about the content of each chapter. And we’ll leave time for questions at the end.
We have 98 open “seats” for the Webinar and there are no “reservations” … it’s first logged in, first attending. So don’t be late!
Prerequisites: Book Purchase Required, Read the corresponding chapter (Week 1: Chapter 1, etc.)
Login at: https://zoom.us/j/146383143
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