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April 24, 2018 0 Comments

In the years during and immediately after the First World War, over one and a half million Armenians were displaced, deported, tortured and killed at the hands of the “Young Turks” of the

March 19, 2018 1 Comment

The mind is a funny thing; If the mind believes something to be true, the more likely it is that something will happen. Let me illustrate I play golf. And there are times

March 4, 2018 0 Comments

The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that's the direction we're going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option

March 1, 2018 1 Comment

I think we would all agree that the world has gone mad. We may not agree on what’s causing this madness or what to do about it, but if you follow the news

October 26, 2017 0 Comments

Several friends have emailed me recently about my station in life and what my plans are for the future. Those who know me well know my health is fair for a 78 year

August 16, 2017 0 Comments

That dreaded time for most mainline churches is just around the corner. I’m referring to the fall stewardship drive. If your church is like 90 percent of mainline churches everything in October revolves