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June 12, 2015 0 Comments

Is the word “church” a noun or a verb? How you answer this question explains whether you understand the Gospel or have totally missed its point. So let’s start by asking a question

May 19, 2015 0 Comments

Last night I watched Selma. It’s hard to believe our country was ever like that. But I remember when I was a young kid of 17 or 18. In the summers I drove an

May 7, 2015 1 Comment

A friend of mine called the other day to ask my advice about something going on at his church. It seems one of their lead worship singers leaves the room as soon as

March 29, 2015 1 Comment

During my 50 years of ministry (Yes, 50. That's not a typo.), I’ve become convinced that most churches don't put much value on soul. And that saddens me. Why do I say this?

March 19, 2015 5 Comments

Many of you know that for the past two decades I have been obsessed with offshore billfishing. It’s impossible to give justice to a description of the feeling one gets when a 400-pound

August 6, 2014 0 Comments

But wait, pause, think for a moment before you answer that question with “Well, of course, with my own.” Many, many years ago one of my mentors was pastoring a very conflicted congregation