No Summer Slump Here

For most of my life as a Chicago Cubs baseball fan I have had a problem.
My team would start off every season full of hope and expectation, only to come crashing down painfully by the end of May. In years past I would say to myself,” I guess it’s just a summer slump.”
Summer slumps […]

Something Wonderful Is Happening

Something wonderful has happened in the last decade, something we haven’t ever seen happen in the U.S. and I’m not talking about Mr. Wonderful. I’m talking about something so wonderful that is makes me wish I were twenty again so I could have more of a part in it – something that I have […]

The Model Church

1 Thessalonians 1:6–8
You became imitators of us and of the Lord … And so you became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord’s message rang out from you … your faith has become known everywhere.
The Thessalonian church had, at least ostensibly, become models of a functional church. They became […]

4 Steps from Church Spectator to Disciple Maker

Why do people resist church so much?  Yes, those who are a part of church need to be concerned with the valid aspects of the critique that religious people are hypocrites and out-of-touch with the intersection of faith and daily life.  But there is a significant underlying reason.  Our culture believes that most everyone […]

You Need a Friend/Coach in Christ

Why do we try to do things on our own in church ministry?  Why do we seem to honor being a Lone Ranger?  Okay, not even the Lone Ranger did things on his own.  There was Tonto.

The greatest professional athletes have coaches.   Why do we do ministry relatively alone?  Why does the concept […]

Pastor, Leader, and Equipper – O My!

If you’re a pastor, you’ve likely heard it.  “We need a pastor who is more of a shepherd!”

What does that mean?  I interpret that to be the 20th century American fallacy that we pay people to do things on our behalf, including pastors to do the primary ministry activities.  Go visit members in need. […]

The Discovery Bible Study Questions Revised

Years ago, I was trained in house church leadership by one of the nation’s top gurus Neil Cole. I took the opportunity to shadow him for several days and learned a lot about time management, house church, leadership, and group led Bible studies. At the time he was using the Discovery Questions, six questions […]

Addition to Multiplication

If you’re been reading my posts, you know for the past couple of years I’ve been working with an Exponential think tank to examine what they are calling a Level 5 Church. Basically a Level 5 church is one that is committed to multiplication at every level. The heart of the Level 5 Church […]

The Day-To-Day Mentor

Mentoring someone into faith or deeper into faith is your responsibility. Unless you’re the pastor, it’s not the pastor’s responsibility. Unless you’re a Sunday school teacher, it’s not the Sunday school’s responsibility. Unless you’re a small group leader, it’s not small group’s responsibility.

It’s your responsibility … you know, that whole “Go ye and make disciples” is […]