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October 28, 2014 23 Comments

The "golden years" of the church, for many key leaders in churches across the US, were the 1950s. Back then "everyone" went to church – and if someone didn't go to church, they

October 2, 2014 0 Comments

Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked

October 2, 2014 1 Comment

One of the things I’ve had to do over and over when coaching pastors is remind them to focus on the major issues we’ve talked about instead of getting distracted time and time

October 2, 2014 0 Comments

Those who follow my writing know I believe we are living in a pivotal period of history in which everything that will be is being separated from everything that was. In such a

September 11, 2014 3 Comments

You probably hear it as often as I do. "Trying to get them organized is like herding cats." Whether it's being applied to the stewardship committee, the congregational council, or the local minister's

September 5, 2014 0 Comments

A study by the Wall Street Journal discovered that larger corporations with smaller boards outperformed their counterparts with larger boards by a significant margin. In fact, as few as 3-5 extra people made