Jesus sent out 70 people to prepare the way for his coming by proclaiming peace to people's households. Those people were likely Jews who were eager to have a conversation about the possibility
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Jesus sent out 70 people to prepare the way for his coming by proclaiming peace to people's households. Those people were likely Jews who were eager to have a conversation about the possibility
That’s right, you read it correctly – Christ-centered pastors don’t make disciples, nor do they take care of people. Instead, they do what Jesus did: they equip others to make disciples and to care
This article is a follow up to the previous article on staff management. Learning how to lead a staff is one of the most important aspects of a pastor’s life if that pastor
They didn't teach me management skills in seminary. I wish they had, because as the leader of a church, I needed them badly and it's a shame I had to learn them on
A book every pastor with a staff, or one who is going to have a staff, should read is Fairness Is Overrated, by Tim Stevens. Over the past two years I've waded through dozens
I imagine that it's no surprise that many (dare I say most) seminary trained pastors – and even business trained pastors – lean toward the verbose and the grandiloquent. In some writings, I suppose, that's