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July 7, 2015 1 Comment

I’ve never been very good at catching subtle hints … but was pretty good at laying them out there. For years, I worked with churches and tried to lead with gentle-ish suggestions, but

June 26, 2015 0 Comments

A pastor I'm coaching asked me “Why are there so many dysfunctional, mean-spirited people in the church?” His question is well founded. There are more dysfunctional churches in the U.S. than there are

June 16, 2015 0 Comments

You have an event that your congregation puts on, but no one starts coming to your church because of it.  Do we continue anyway because it is a "good" event? Most churches have

June 15, 2015 0 Comments

A Team Concept for Hiring One of the most crucial responsibilities of a senior pastor of a church with one hundred and fifty people or more in worship is the discovery, recruitment, coaching,

June 14, 2015 0 Comments

My friend Elmer Towns just finished a book: The Ten Most Influential Churches of the Past Century. In the book, he gives a thorough examination of the contribution of each church. As always,

June 13, 2015 2 Comments

Reading Spark, by Todd Wilson, filled my eyes with tears. Where was this book when I restarted my church? What a difference it might have made. Folks, this is the first book of 2015