Pastors live in the midst of many people. But the secret is they are often lonely and depressed. Pastors suffer from a lack of friends. Be honest, if you are a pastor, are
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Pastors live in the midst of many people. But the secret is they are often lonely and depressed. Pastors suffer from a lack of friends. Be honest, if you are a pastor, are
I tell church planters, “If you can’t show someone the door and go home and sleep well that night, you shouldn’t plant.” One of the things we’ve learned over the years is that planting
Recently, I received a phone call from an old client I had not heard from for several years. He called to ask if I had given any thought to making a new list
If you were asked what you considered to be the greatest tragedy in history, what would you say? Surely some would pick the Holocaust. Others in the U.S. might pick 9/11. Still others
We live in a time when the nature of church is changing dramatically. There are a few very large congregations, but most churches are quite small. Do I have to be a mega
A client recently posed a staffing question and asked me to address it. "Why should the first hired staff positions be (1) a worship leader for a non-traditional style worship service; and (2)