In the heart of a bustling suburban neighborhood, a local church, brimming with enthusiasm and good intentions, embarked on a mission to attract young families. Their plan? A Saturday night family movie event,
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
In the heart of a bustling suburban neighborhood, a local church, brimming with enthusiasm and good intentions, embarked on a mission to attract young families. Their plan? A Saturday night family movie event,
In an era where the tapestry of our congregations is as diverse as ever, the concept of targeted worship has emerged as a pivotal strategy in church growth and community outreach. Gone are
Whether they’re handing out bulletins, teaching kids’ Sunday school, or running the audio/visual system during services, volunteers are the backbone of your church. They give their time and talents to perform essential tasks
In the quest of how to grow a church, there's a pivotal yet often overlooked element: distinguishing your personal vision from your church's. Think of it as the unsung hero of church leadership.
In a world driven by data and metrics, the church often finds itself in a peculiar position. While businesses and organizations meticulously track KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), churches sometimes shy away from the
Time management is a challenge that every pastor faces, especially when you're leading a growing church. The good news? Computer science has some fascinating insights that can help you manage your time more