The United States of America is 242 years old. That's a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America
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The United States of America is 242 years old. That's a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America
Recently I'm running into a lot of writers who are asking the question "If we all serve the same God, why is Christianity growing all over the world except Europe and the U.S.?"
I was reading an article about Alexander the Great whose troops after many victorious battles looked like they were about to be defeated. His soldiers had taken so much plunder from their previous
Let’s face it, guys. Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the,“I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by
In his book “Healing the Masculine Soul”, author Gordon Dalbey tells the story of a Catholic nun who worked in a men's prison. One day a prisoner asked her to buy him a
From the Desk of Bill Easum: Our new book Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline into a Multiplication Movement will be out in two weeks. This book may turn out to be our most important