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August 8, 2019 7 Comments

We hear it at probably 90 percent of the consultations we lead. Some good hearted person asks us if we're going to make some recommendations on how the church can reconnect and reactivate

August 6, 2019 1 Comment

It's August. The last real vestiges of summer are upon us. Do you know ... has your staff taken some serious Rest & Reflection time off? Part of your role as the senior

July 31, 2019 2 Comments

What's the most important thing about your sermon? Is it the scripture you start with? The introduction that gets the congregation on board? The stories they'll remember for the rest of their lives?

July 30, 2019 1 Comment

In my community, there are a couple of new church starts kicking off. One's in my denomination and another is in a denomination not too dissimilar to mine. I've met both pastors. They're

July 24, 2019 2 Comments

Is the future of your sitting in your pews? Maybe ... but probably not. The future of your church isn't the legacy generation. Your seniors, whether Boomers or Builders, have largely brought your

July 23, 2019 0 Comments

I'm not talking about mega churches or even large churches. I mean, who is your Adult Worship Service designed for? If your choir is singing in robes, it's probably for Senior Adults who