When I wrote If You've Got to Herd Cats, You'll Need a Big Mouse, I wrote about the reality that your church members have no end of "good ideas" about the direction their
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When I wrote If You've Got to Herd Cats, You'll Need a Big Mouse, I wrote about the reality that your church members have no end of "good ideas" about the direction their
Some years ago, after reading David Murrow’s book, “Why Men Hate Going to Church”, I realized that most people assume that men are just less religious than women, but this is untrue. Other
Church Work is never ending. There's always something that needs to get done. The worship slides need to be updated The trash needs to be emptied The newsletter needs to be edited The
A growing church is a byproduct of courageous leadership that prays boldly for a vision from God and then takes bold action that honors the vision God has given. But too many churches
I'm a big Carey Nieuwhof fan. He produces some of the most thoughtful and relevant content for North American church pastors and I appreciate what he has to say. This morning one of
A Guest Post from Tejas Rane A brief introduction Churches know the importance of funding and how it can help fulfill the church’s visions and missions. Yet, it is also the toughest thing