We live in a world of constant change. As we go through our daily lives, we live in uncertainty, never knowing for sure what tomorrow could bring. Forget tomorrow, often we don’t know
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
We live in a world of constant change. As we go through our daily lives, we live in uncertainty, never knowing for sure what tomorrow could bring. Forget tomorrow, often we don’t know
Change is a not only inevitable but, in most cases, necessary and ultimately good for us. Did you know the first automobiles built in the early 1900s didn’t have rear-view mirrors? Now on
At my final worship service from the church I planted, pastored and grew for over twenty years, two of the staff members I had discipled since they started attending, walked on to the
Jesus said to go make disciples. It’s the main thing for Jesus. Is it themain thing for you and your church? There are so many people who are not connected to Jesus and
The other day, I was asked by a pastor on Facebook about my weekly schedule when I was in the parish. It took some time to put together, but here's my "typical" schedule.
I was speaking with a pastor in Iowa the other day and shared that I'd just completed forty years in parish ministry. He offered some generous congratulatory sentiments and thanked me for my