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July 30, 2007 0 Comments

By: Jeff Patton I just spent a weekend with a Church discovering this congregation’s purpose.   To accomplish this we spent the weekend studying Scripture and coming to term with the underlying principles that ought

July 16, 2007 0 Comments

During my time (Bill Easum) as a consultant I have been amazed at how often I find declining churches doing ministries that have little to do with their future. Some of these ministries

July 9, 2007 0 Comments

Many new voices are on the horizon claiming to be the wave of the future. That’s both exciting and a bit scary. Let me mention a few of the leading contenders – The Incarnational Movement,

July 2, 2007 0 Comments

I hear about it all too often. Some pastor shares his/her frustration because they can’t rally the congregation to get serious about evangelism. Or follow-up.  Or missions within the community. The list goes

June 25, 2007 0 Comments

When I work in a church with a large staff invariably two of three of the staff have all of the volunteers they need while the rest of the staff complain that no

June 18, 2007 0 Comments

There are at least five ways to quantitatively measure mission involvement, and at least five ways to measure mission effectiveness. Measure mission involvement: These measurements are in ascending order of importance … from least