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December 10, 2007 0 Comments

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw The security strategy of Jesus clearly involved a radical break from that of Rome and the various parties in his own nation, whether the violent Zealots, the accommodating Sadducees and

December 10, 2007 0 Comments

... According to a global survey, three out of four of the happiest people groups in the world are not rich consumers. Using a scale where 7 marks the maximum of happiness, Forbes magazine's

December 3, 2007 0 Comments

By: Jeff Patton Hard to do, you bet! But giving thanks is vitally important. Life in its perplexities often presents things that shake, rattle and attempt to roll you. A quick look through the

November 19, 2007 0 Comments

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007) At least once a month, randomly pick a team member to “sit in the hot seat” and be the focus of a short blessing time at the

November 12, 2007 0 Comments

By: John Laster From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007) Leadership teams are too busy “doing,” and rarely spend enough time thinking and sharing with one another about who God has called them to be

November 5, 2007 0 Comments

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007) Leadership teams are too busy “doing,” and rarely spend enough time thinking and sharing with one another about who God has called them to be and how