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March 24, 2008 1 Comment

Countless rural churches provide refreshment booths at county fairs, fall festivals, and innumerable community events. They have pie booths, ice cream booths, turkey dinner booths, craft booths, and entertainment booths. The problem is,

March 24, 2008 0 Comments

How does a church get momentum for transformation? There are four steps to gaining momentum for church transformation. First, in addition to preaching from the “vision lectionary” (see our EBA resources), encourage lay

March 10, 2008 0 Comments

Many “Track 2” churches launch several options in worship. They grow to a point, and then seem to plateau. Church leaders are wondering what happened. The quality of worship seems good; the diversity

March 10, 2008 0 Comments

Why do so many laity start out passionate and strong, and then become complacent and frustrated? Track 2 churches are often very good at providing motivational and life-changing worship … and they are

March 3, 2008 0 Comments

The most common complaint about moving to more than one worship service in a track 1 church is that people feel alienated from their former friends. Their unity seems to be disappearing. The

February 25, 2008 0 Comments

Every service-oriented organization in the world has realized that volunteer empowerment is both more important to their mission, and more difficult to accomplish. People are too busy to do anything that they are