Word Count: 418 – Est Read Time: ~2 Minutes What’s Up? Church giving is on the rise, but so is financial crime in the church. The church theft of funds is reaching epidemic
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
Word Count: 418 – Est Read Time: ~2 Minutes What’s Up? Church giving is on the rise, but so is financial crime in the church. The church theft of funds is reaching epidemic
Word Count: 431 – Est Read Time: <2 Minutes What’s Up: Most pastors avoid the money talk from the pulpit, but a Lifeway study showed that more than 3 in 4 Protestant churchgoers
Word Count: 431 – Est Read Time: 2 Minutes What’s Up: Jesus spoke more about wealth and possessions than almost any other topic. And yet, pastors shy away from teaching on it. Why?So
Word Count: 387 – Est Read Time: <2 Minutes What’s New: As your church's financial catalyst, it's up to you to communicate that fundraising isn’t just about money and "stewardship." It’s about creating
Imagine your church just hosted a product fundraiser to fund a youth mission trip. Your congregants worked together to promote your campaign and sell cookie dough to other community members, resulting in $6,000
No matter the size, your women’s ministry is a community of sisters in Christ who gather to learn and worship. Whether you aim to instill leadership qualities into your church’s youth or equip