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July 19, 2017 0 Comments

My wife and I just completed a trip that we wanted to do since we were kids.  We went to Alaska, land of 10,000 blogs (BTW - Alaska has 3 million lakes; sorry

July 14, 2017 0 Comments

My bucket list is now empty.  Jesus can take me home.  My wife and I took a trip of a lifetime to Alaska.  It was a group trip at times which means it

July 13, 2017 0 Comments

My post, titled “Is It Time To Drop The Requirement,” resulted in several responses, which prompted me to do a little more digging into the subject of ordination. And after extensive reading on

July 10, 2017 0 Comments

Simon Sinek, the author of Start with Why, teaches that every company knows its "what," a few know its "how," but few operate – or even know – their "why." I'd say the same

June 6, 2017 0 Comments

I was reading Luke 6 this morning and was struck by verse 12: One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. This

April 4, 2017 2 Comments

There are many leadership skills that are important. But there are two skills that overshadow all the rest. If a staff can master these two skills, there is no way a church can