I'm not talking about mega churches or even large churches. I mean, who is your Adult Worship Service designed for? If your choir is singing in robes, it's probably for Senior Adults who
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I'm not talking about mega churches or even large churches. I mean, who is your Adult Worship Service designed for? If your choir is singing in robes, it's probably for Senior Adults who
One of my favorite movies is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it Harrison Ford’s character is faced with difficult trials in order to regain the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus used
Carol joined the church a month ago. She'd been attending worship for several weeks and liked what she heard and what she experienced. She'd even made a new friend or two. Joining the
Let’s face it, Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the, “I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by
I saw a post on Facebook this week that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ’The best gift you can give your Mother for Mother’s Day is
Every week, thousands of pastors spend hours and hours creating a sermonic masterpiece that will be heard once by fewer than 60 people. Every week, tens of thousands of Sunday school classes will