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September 4, 2008 0 Comments

Those who've read any of my church renewal/small group books or who are familiar with my work with Easum, Bandy & Tenny-Brittian know that when I speak about DNA, I mean the six

September 2, 2008 0 Comments

I recently completed teaching a college course on Evangelism In Your Context. I had students from all over (east of the Rockies) and a good time was had by all. The majority of

August 31, 2008 1 Comment

Okay, over the years I've visited a LOT of churches. Lots of them. And I can't help it, but when I visit, my consultant hat is always part of my couture. Normally this

August 30, 2008 0 Comments

[caption id="attachment_158" align="alignright" width="250"] (back) Becky, Toni, Shannon (front) James (Britt), Katrina[/caption] We're celebrating T-B Day today, although the real date is August 21. T-B Day is the anniversary of the day the

August 26, 2008 1 Comment

I've been working with churches and pastors now for more than two decades. During that time I've come to know a lot of churches and a lot of pastors. Recently, though, I've come

August 23, 2008 2 Comments

A couple posts back, I wrote a piece on the PS2 UTube video on training fleas and related it to the church. I spend most of my church consulting hours working with churches