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November 19, 2008 0 Comments

Over the past several weeks I've had the opportunity to speak to various crowds of church leaders and talk about church transformational issues. I've noticed that I can generally divide the audience into

November 19, 2008 0 Comments

I received a question from a recent seminar participant that was buried in one of the comments. I started to answer it there, but when I finished I realized it was way too

November 4, 2008 0 Comments

I recently had a great conversation with an older member of a fast-shrinking congregation. She was looking for resources on how to improve communications within her congregation and she was finding precious few

October 28, 2008 0 Comments

Once upon a time, I used to teach. It was a one room schoolhouse with up to twelve kids ages preschool through seniors in high school. I taught the ABCs, 123s, algebra, trig,

October 21, 2008 0 Comments

Another one bites the dust. If I had a dollar for every pastor who started the transformation process and ended up leaving the church and/or ministry, I could have retired long ago. But

October 20, 2008 0 Comments

I was involved in a conversation earlier today about hiring a staff member at a church. Hiring staff can be a real sticky situation. In some churches, the denomination does the hiring. That