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August 14, 2009 0 Comments

Over the years I’ve found that it can be both tempting and easy to get caught up in the nearly endless discussions around definitions and measurements. When it comes to church transformation in

August 10, 2009 0 Comments

It happened again recently. I was in a large group of mainline church leaders who professed their interest in church transformation. We were all milling around the room waiting for the convener to

August 1, 2009 0 Comments

Earlier I blogged about what it takes to grow a church from 0-500. Now here are my thoughts about why churches fail to break the 200 in worship barrier. The church loses its focus on evangelism and

July 27, 2009 0 Comments

I'm constantly asked about the keys to moving through the various barriers churches face. Over the years I compiled my list.  Since this post was lost in the transfer of our site, I'm

July 14, 2009 0 Comments

1. The pastor never loses focus on evangelism. 2.  The pastor responds personally to every signed in visitor. 3. The pastor hands–off as many ministries as possible and as soon as possible. 4.

July 3, 2009 1 Comment

[caption id="attachment_76" align="alignright" width="150"] No Grumpy Greeters![/caption] I was working on a worship evaluation and thought that I'd share words and recommendations about a church's welcome. If you're going to be open and