A week or so ago I had the great privilege of leading a workshop session for a group of folks who were considering the possibility of professional ministry. I'd been invited to present
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
A week or so ago I had the great privilege of leading a workshop session for a group of folks who were considering the possibility of professional ministry. I'd been invited to present
... and a quick reminder on numbers two, three, and four. Take a look at these pictures. These are screenshots of the main front pages for two random church websites I took a look
I just finished reading a book synopsis on a flight to the deep South. Sheena Ivengar’s Art of Choosing provided me some grist to grind as I secret-shopped a mid-sized church in Texas
I just returned from a training event for a church that’s dwindled down to less than fifty in worship and has less than a dozen committed leaders. They were pretty much in the
My wife (Dr. Kris T-B) and I go on a date on as many Fridays as possible. On our dates we go to lunch and catch a movie matinee. Last week we went
The old adage, “you get what you measure,” holds true both in business and in the church. Obviously it might appear to be easier to develop measurement metrics for a business than a