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February 8, 2014 3 Comments

Recently, on Bloomberg TV, The Titans featured Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg. Bloomberg said something that all churches should ponder for a week. He said, "Technology will advance more in the next couple of

January 11, 2014 4 Comments

Let's be honest. Most of us pastor-types were taught to preach primarily to a modern, well-churched or church-experienced audience. The target of our preaching was essentially "one of us." I hear some of

December 22, 2013 4 Comments

I'm in the American Airlines Admirals Club lounge waiting for my plane after a two day trip to Frisco, Texas to work with Pastor Mike Spitters on launching a restart. What a trip!

November 12, 2013 0 Comments

Music isn’t just a part of worship for today's generations – it is the primary act of worship. Whereas classic worship services break up songs with other worship tools, such as responsive readings,

September 23, 2013 1 Comment

There are lots of things that frustrate church consultants. For me, at least lately, the biggest bang-my-head-against-a-wall issue is denominational distractions. Let me give you a real-world example. Last summer, my denomination (Disciples

September 7, 2013 1 Comment

I was reading an article by Amy Butler on the ABP News site recently on the season of church budgets. She was responding to a writer who was comparing church budgets with budgets