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December 26, 2017 0 Comments

Christmas Eve, the most important time of the year to reach the unchurched (yes, it’s more important than Easter these days), is fast approaching and far too many pastors will be enticed by

November 20, 2017 0 Comments

One of the most frustrating realities about a turnaround is that it takes more time to get ready for a successful turnaround than it does to grow a church. [tweetthis]It takes more time to

October 11, 2017 0 Comments

There is a fundamental flaw in the church of the early 21st century.  We have identified it quite clearly, but talk is inadequate.  As the old GI Joe commercial went, knowing is half

October 7, 2017 0 Comments

Perhaps you've noticed, our culture is often evaluating church in a negative fashion.  Church people are perceived as being hypocritical, looking very different in life expression than the claims from faith identity.  And,

August 26, 2017 3 Comments

Church members don't generally want to have their church compared to a business, but sometimes they just can't help themselves and they fall into the metaphor themselves. The board meeting had a motion

August 24, 2017 1 Comment

I used to fish a lot. And one of the things I had to learn was to fish where there were fish. That makes sense. But to accomplish that I had to learn