As Easter weekend approaches, your church is getting ready to make a great first impression on guests who may never have stepped foot on your property. In addition to praying for your church
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
As Easter weekend approaches, your church is getting ready to make a great first impression on guests who may never have stepped foot on your property. In addition to praying for your church
For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I
In our sports dominated culture I wonder if the people in your church have spent as much time praying for the people around them who don’t know Christ, as they have thinking about
With Easter coming, most churches anticipate their largest services of the year. Are your building and grounds ready for double your average attendance? Here are a couple of things to turn your attention
With Easter coming soon there are some unique opportunities that you and your church can do to serve your community while promoting your Easter services. Invite your congregation to put on community wide
Forty days is a significant time period in the Bible. In the Old Testament, when God destroyed the earth with water, He caused it to rain forty days and forty nights (Genesis 7:12).