I've followed Browning for over a decade. He has consistently done what he shares in this book- combines the impact of the large church with the intimacy of the small church. Over the
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I've followed Browning for over a decade. He has consistently done what he shares in this book- combines the impact of the large church with the intimacy of the small church. Over the
(San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1998). 288 pages, paperback, $16.95. Obtain from Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 415-288-0260. This is an excellent companion to Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers or Growing Spiritual Redwoods. This
(Baker Book House, 1992) 156 pages, paperback, $9.99. Anyone contemplating building should read this timeless book. The author is an architect who actually understands church growth. Most architects are not prepared to help
Getting more people in more groups is not the answer! Calling people beyond individualism, isolation, and consumerism is! Scott Boren has given us many excellent books on small groups but this one is
(Houston, TX, Cell Group Resources, 2002) 423 pages, paperback, $14.99. (Obtain from Cell Group Resources, a book-publishing division of TOUCH Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box 19888, Houston, TX 77224-9888 or www.touchusa.org) Those who are
(New York: American Management Association, 1995) 240. Obtain from AMA: 1-800-262-9699 Blanks draws nine leadership essentials from his understanding of quantum physics. His connection of leadership with quantum physics makes this a complementary