I'm constantly asked what it takes to raise up more leaders or, to put it biblically, to make more mature disciples. And that's good because leadership and discipleship multiplication are some of the
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I'm constantly asked what it takes to raise up more leaders or, to put it biblically, to make more mature disciples. And that's good because leadership and discipleship multiplication are some of the
There are several essentials to effectively starting an indigenous service. 1. Identify the key issues in the target audience. Do they see church as an option, when would they most likely attend, and
The last twenty years our culture (US) has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle. Consider The following comparisons:
The New Testament (NT) model of stewardship is tied not to money but to how people live out their lives. This article just takes one part of stewardship - money. The New Testament
By Bill Easum The following works well in a traditional church. STEP ONE: Train all staff to identify, recruit, equip, and lead laity into ministry rather than simply doing the ministry for them.
Bill Easum Several trans-denominational groups have begun church planting centers for the purpose of networking, developing and assisting church planters. The relationship of the organization to the planter is very different from that