I was on a coaching call the other day talking with a pastor of a church of around 500 people in worship. This was the largest church he had ever led and he
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923 info@effectivechurch.com
I was on a coaching call the other day talking with a pastor of a church of around 500 people in worship. This was the largest church he had ever led and he
This is the second presentation I did at Boston.
This is the first part of a presentation I did at an event in New York, NY. (Right Click and Save File) PowerPoint Presentation: Part 1 You Might Also Like: Only Four Things
Without vision, the people perish. Granted, that's a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid
Ministers and most (okay, many) church folk already know how important welcome is for guests and members. We know that welcome begins – or doesn’t – long before we get through the front
Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked