Chapter 4 is the longest chapter in the Dinosaurs to Rabbits book. By almost double. And the reason is simple ... if you aren't willing to invest in making radical disciples, you cannot –
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Chapter 4 is the longest chapter in the Dinosaurs to Rabbits book. By almost double. And the reason is simple ... if you aren't willing to invest in making radical disciples, you cannot –
The Wall Street Journal reports that one of the key reasons for the continued growth of McDonalds restaurants is their continually embracing of change. What began as the original fast food provider of
Some years ago, my three brothers and I got together for a family reunion. We gathered our wives and kids and traveled to a central location and spent a weekend eating, swimming, participating
By Guest Blogger: Jason Lewis from Mission trips are an amazing opportunity for people young and old to travel and help people through the light of the Lord. They give you a
We've Got a Confession to Make. We’ve been mainline Christians most of our lives. We choose the mainline because of its theology. But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free
As church leaders today, we face the same trials, temptations and traps that all who have come before us were subjected to. These are identified in 1 John 2:17 by the Apostle John as,”