A Kingdom Mindset is What We Need By: Bill Easum The other day a church planter told me “Now that we are up and running and growing we've had several churches in the
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A Kingdom Mindset is What We Need By: Bill Easum The other day a church planter told me “Now that we are up and running and growing we've had several churches in the
Why Church Plants Don't Reach Their Potential By: Bill Easum My hearts aches. Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive,
Turning around a church is not for the fainthearted or the impatient. Churches that have been experiencing decline also tend to experience rapid leader turnover. In business, the fault of this rapid turnover
Renovate Before You Innovate By: Bill Tenny-Brittian (from the book by Sergio Zyman – the man behind the failed New Coke campaign)“Obsession with innovation is a current business fad,” says Zyman. But it’s
Winning Streaks By: Bill Easum I just finished watching the 40th Super Bowl. It was a see-saw battle of momentum. One team had it and then another. You could feel the momentum change
For the week of February 20, 2006 How Do You Spell Leadership By: Bill Easum How do you SPELL leadership? Try it this way: Specific Preparation Enables Loving Leaderships. I imagine all of