Some years ago, my three brothers and I got together for a family reunion. We gathered our wives and kids and traveled to a central location and spent a weekend eating, swimming, participating
308 West Blvd N, Columbia, MO 65203 573-463-5923
Some years ago, my three brothers and I got together for a family reunion. We gathered our wives and kids and traveled to a central location and spent a weekend eating, swimming, participating
This week's webinar (Tuesday at 2 CDT) is covering Chapter 02: Addition or Multiplication? There's a lot of confusion by a number of church leaders on the difference between being a Addition Church and
Every year, I make plans for growing the church. Valentine's Day banquet. Big Easter launch. Spring Marriage Enrichment event. Summer Day Camp. Four Business as Ministry seminars and cohort groups. Back to School
By Guest Blogger: Jason Lewis from Mission trips are an amazing opportunity for people young and old to travel and help people through the light of the Lord. They give you a
What is your favorite time of year? I’m not necessarily talking about climate like Spring or Summer but rather activities that are going on. As a pastor, certainly Christmas and Easter were always
Just a heads up: This week's webinar on Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement will cover the first chapter of the book: "Why Multiplication." The Bills will have a