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September 18, 2020 0 Comments

Increasingly, congregations are returning to their church buildings. Just how long that will last is yet to be seen, but increasingly, church leaders have felt and succumbed to the pressure to return to

September 12, 2020 1 Comment

Online discipleship presents some significant challenges, not the least of which is "We've never done it that way before!" In Part 01, we looked at some of the ways you can get online,

September 1, 2020 0 Comments

"So, what about online discipleship? How do you make that work?" A quick perusal of churches on the internet reveals that the US church is all over the map in terms of virtual

August 27, 2020 1 Comment

My brother was in the Marines ... a loooong time ago. I was in the Air Force ... a looooooonger time ago. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Good enough for government work."

August 25, 2020 0 Comments

Prior to March 11, my wife and I went to the cinema almost every Friday. Thankfully, we mostly have the same taste in movies, so we saw a lot of action and adventure,

August 15, 2020 0 Comments

I led my first person to Christ in 1956 on a street corner in Austin Texas. I was seventeen and on fire. I used the Four Spiritual Laws and asked him to let