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September 17, 2007 0 Comments

by Bill Tenny-Brittian Many church leaders give coaching a try. They've read and heard about the new wave of leadership development through effective coaching and so they decide to implement it in their context.

September 10, 2007 0 Comments

Often I get a question about the difference between a small group and a non-small group (what I call a "Class" and so on). I tend to differentiate between these groups based primarily

September 3, 2007 0 Comments

One of the things that has become clearer the further we go into this gray world is the importance of the inner character of great leaders. Their inner character is what makes their

August 27, 2007 0 Comments

Over the years, I've worked with a number of folks as a church planting and church transformation coach. Some of the folks I've worked with have gone on to meet or exceed their

August 27, 2007 0 Comments

There's recently been a wave of interest by judicatories in starting Peer Coaching events among their church leaders. With the inevitable failure of the "Let's assign the new kid an experienced pastor to

August 20, 2007 0 Comments

One of the main reasons many effective churches stop growing is they so thoroughly take their new converts out of their social environments that over two or three years they lose all contacts