For the week of September 12, 2005 Katrina Evangelism By: Bill Easum Thought for the day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could so paint a picture of God's love and our need
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For the week of September 12, 2005 Katrina Evangelism By: Bill Easum Thought for the day. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could so paint a picture of God's love and our need
For the week of September 05, 2005 Send: The Fifth Step in Discipling By: Tom Bandy Every missionary must be released. Once people are changed, involved in spiritual growth, mentored to discern their calling, and equipped for excellence
For the week of August 29, 2005 Equip: The Fourth Step in Discipling By: Tom Bandy Every missionary must be trained. Once people are changed, involved in spiritual growth, and mentored to discern their calling (see previous
For the week of August 21, 2005 Call: The Third Step in Discipling By: Tom Bandy Every Christian is called. Once lives have been changed, and once people are spiritually growing (see previous leadership tips) people
For the week of August 15, 2005 Gift and Grow: The Second Step in Discipling By: Tom Bandy Serious spiritual growth is the pivot on which everything turns. Once lives have been changed (see previous
By: Paul Nickerson Many congregations impatiently want to get started on a vision “process”, and they fail to lay the groundwork that is essential. It is critical that a church be deeply grounded