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May 20, 2023 0 Comments

Most of the time, when a church leader starts thinking about the need for marketing, they're thinking about a specific event (like the annual Christmas bazaar, Easter service, the Habitat build, etc.) and

May 14, 2023 0 Comments

We are seeking a Pastor who is an inspiring pastor, preacher and teacher, a good counselor who is honest and trustworthy, thoughtful and pastoral, passionate about reaching young people and families, gregarious and

May 4, 2023 0 Comments

Your church may already have a website, but is it doing everything it can to engage your members and boost fundraising?  A strong church website can help inform your congregation about upcoming events,

May 1, 2023 1 Comment

I saw a post on Facebook that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ’The best gift you can give your mother for Mother’s Day is to sit

April 4, 2023 2 Comments

Motivating your youth to get involved in youth groups or children’s programs requires creative activity ideas. However, some ideas to encourage youth participation can require extra funding. Expenses like transportation, supplies, and food

February 22, 2023 1 Comment

40 days is a significant time period in the Bible.  In the Old Testament, when God destroyed the earth with water, He caused it to rain 40 days and 40 nights. Moses was